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Want results on LinkedIn?
Keep these 3 things in mind.
If you have something people don’t want...nothing will work.
No one wants to be sold on LinkedIn.
You must educate first...LinkedIn users want to learn.
Connect with your IDEAL prospects
You'll connect with the people and businesses that you want to.
Grow an ever-increasing network
Each week your network will grow and so will your opportunities to generate leads and sales.
Huge lift in content performance...+3,315%
As your network grows, so do the number of people that will see and act on the content you post.
55% invite acceptance rate!
Your network will grow the first week you start Rainmaker. The blue lines represent LinkedIn invites sent. The green lines represent invites accepted.
28% message reply rate!
Messaging campaigns are a wonderful way to engage with prospects. The blue lines represent messages sent. The green lines represent replies received.
Grow your network
Increase engagement
Drive leads & sales
Create relationships
Build your brand
Build your business
See your stats in LinkedIn and Rainmaker
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